Resident Evil 2 Free Online
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I’m cynical when it comes to video game remasters. What’s the point of taking the time to completely overhaul Crash Bandicoot’s visuals if he still controls like a bag of rocks? After four hours with Resident Evil 2, the sort-of-but-not remake of the 1998 survival horror masterpiece, I can happily say that it is so good to play, look at, and listen to that it feels like a completely new game.
My demo starts as Leon ascends a ladder into the car park of the Raccoon City Police Department. Memories of watching, terrified, as my older brother led Leon down those familiar cramped corridors almost 20 years ago come rushing back. Even though I’m playing in a brightly lit boardroom, the oppressive darkness and grimy, dank muck of Leon’s surroundings pull me into his world. Raccoon City has never looked so good.
Reasonable doubt jay z album. Even though I’m playing in a brightly lit boardroom, the oppressive darkness and grimy, dank muck of Leon’s surroundings pull me into his world.
Leon emerges from a manhole cover and I see a familiar figure in a trench coat smoking a cigarette as she leans against the car park’s shutters. As I approach, Ada Wong tells me to “open the damn shutters” and I realise I’m not going to explore the iconic RPD building this time. At least not as Leon.
Resident Evil 2 keeps the two playable protagonists of the original and I was given time with both Leon and Claire Redfield, sister of Resident Evil’s Chris Redfield. While there are still plenty of Lickers to melt with acid rounds as Claire, the section I played was more reminiscent of classic Resident Evil survival horror with a focus on puzzles, while Leon’s embraced the grand set pieces and combat direction of later entries.
You can choose to play as either Leon or Claire from the start. While both explore the same basic areas they meet different characters, are pursued by different enemies, and get unique sequences and perspectives as they piece together what happened to the quiet, mountain town.
We’re Going Deeper Underground
Ada leads Leon into the rain and danger of Raccoon City’s streets. As they exit the relative safety of the car park, he raises his arm to shield either his eyes (or maybe his incredible early 90s middle part) from the rain. There’s such attention to detail in every part of Resident Evil 2. The road ahead is blocked by roadwork supported by scaffolding that’s lit moodily from below, casting ominous shadows across the red brick facades of shuttered businesses. As I swing the camera around to get a better look at a massive Umbrella Corporation Billboard I notice a familiar name in neon: Gun Shop Kendo.
Returning players will recognise this as the first location Leon and Claire stumble into in Resident Evil 2. But from what I can tell, I’m much further along in the story this time. Ada tells me to look around and I brace myself for what I know is coming: the owner is going to appear, shotgun in hand, and after a bit of exposition, he’ll be eaten by zombies crashing through the window. But that’s not what happens.
While he does appear, shotgun in hand, nothing goes the way I remember. Leon’s arms are raised above his head and he tells the man that he means him no harm. Leon sounds fresh from the academy and fights his instinct to look the man in the eyes, his words measured like they’re memorised from a book. The level of acting throughout the tense standoff is not what I expected from a Resident Evil game. As the situation wears on, the gun shop owner lashes out at Leon. He’s a cop, how can he not know anything? There’s desperation in his voice and an incredible amount of restraint in the performance. The few trope-y lines are delivered with a real sense of weight, and there’s no zombies smashing through windows – just three people trying to make sense of what the hell is going on.
The encounter with Robert Kendo isn't how you remember.
It’s that level of restraint that helps build tension in Resident Evil 2. It was a good half an hour before I encountered any type of enemy and when I eventually did, it was one of the best set pieces in the series.
After leaving the gun shop and finding our way into the sewer, Resident Evil 2 went from 0-100 in about two seconds. Remember the first time you paddled across the lake in Resident Evil 4? What’s waiting for you in Raccoon City’s sewers is on the same level as that except with less warning and even less time to react. It’s so expertly foreshadowed and executed that as soon as it was over I had to put the controller down and take some deep breaths. It’s exactly the kind of thrilling, heart-pounding moment I want from a modern Resident Evil.
Out with the Old

One of the main criticisms levelled at Resident Evil 2 in ‘98 was against its puzzles. Some thought they were too easy, others felt it didn’t make sense for a police station to be so riddled with hidden mechanisms. The inventory system was also seen as flawed.
As Resident Evil 2 is built on the same engine as Resident Evil 7, there are a lot of quality of life improvements that make hunting for key items in the dense, cluttered settings just a little easier. Items now pop with an interaction symbol and some items, such as lockboxes, need to be manipulated in the inventory screen to reveal their usefulness. The inventory screen has been overhauled too and is closest to that of Resident Evil 7. Your space is represented by boxes with large items like shotguns taking up two spaces over smaller items’ one, and perusing your wares pauses the action.
While a little less clunky, I still found myself running out of space regularly or without the item I needed to progress, having stashed it across town so I could pick up more herbs. One particular puzzle that involved a large gear was particularly frustrating, as making room for it plus the weapons I needed to ward off enemies became a game of trial and error.
If you’ve played Resident Evil 2 to death and know how to solve every puzzle and the location of every key, you’re in for a treat. While it feels familiar, puzzles have been either updated or changed completely. The classic library shelf puzzle, for instance, now makes more sense within the world. As Claire, I was traipsing about on the top floor of the police station library, having a great time, when the floor gave way. Without the ability to jump the gap, I had to find another way across. And what better way then moving some Compactus library shelves to form a makeshift bridge? Elsewhere I was manipulating photo frames and hitting the unlock button on a set of car keys to trace the telltale “bloop bloop” of its owner to see what hidden items I might find.
In With the New
Capcom seems to be aware of the importance of updating the pacing of events too, as not long after the encounter in the sewers, control changed from Leon to Ada. Reminiscent of the Arkham games, Ada comes equipped with an EMF device that allows her to trace electrical circuits and activate electronic devices remotely.
The EMF device is a new way to solve puzzles.
The EMF device is only used in Ada’s section but the way it’s used to increase tension keeps it interesting. Shortly into my exploration of the sewers as Ada, Resident Evil 2’s Tyrant appeared. Just like in the original, the Tyrant is a towering bald figure in a trench coat who can’t be killed. Adobe photoshop download for windows 10. The only option is to run away and hopefully put enough distance between you and him that he’ll lose your trail, allowing you to slow down and explore at your own pace.
But in the cramped hallways and pipes of the sewer, that’s not an option. Several times I audibly shrieked in terror as the Tyrant drew close to Ada as she waited for the progress bar of the hacking device to fill. The Tyrant feels like the Resident Evil version of the Xenomorph from Alien: Isolation – an invincible killing machine constantly on the hunt.
While Ada was able to squeeze through a small opening to escape the Tyrant, which brought that section to a close, Claire’s part of the demo showcased him in a different light. After finding my way past the smouldering wreckage of a crashed helicopter on the roof of the RPD building, the Tyrant was a constant threat throughout the two hours I spent solving puzzles and uncovering the dark secrets of the Raccoon City Police Chief.
The Tyrant’s footsteps are loud and he never breaks into a run, but exploring pitch black corridors stuffed with zombies, while also trying to figure out if you’re in danger of rounding a corner and bumping into Dick Tracy’s Matrix-cosplaying bodybuilder clone made for many tense, emergent moments. At one point I was struggling to move the shelves in the library when I heard his huge lumbering footsteps approaching. I swung the camera around just in time to see him throw a T-virus imbued haymaker and knock Claire out of existence.
Aside from his initial appearance, the Tyrant sequences are completely unscripted. And it was these interactions that led to the more frustrating moments of the Claire demo. His appearance as I searched for a way to progress would mean I’d run away with no regard to direction, only to find myself lost or stuck in a dead end. While this will be less of an issue when given the time to learn the layout of buildings, it’s still frustrating to have to abandon whatever you’re doing to run three rooms away through hordes of zombies, only to then use some of the precious ammo you have left just for the chance to run back the way you came.
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But the few very minor frustrations are not enough to dampen my excitement for Resident Evil 2. In a time when it feels like classic games are given a fresh coat of paint and pushed out to market, it’s refreshing and exciting to see Capcom treat its back catalogue with respect here while also understanding games have evolved since 1998. I have a feeling Resident Evil 2 is going to have a whole new generation watching, terrified, as their older sibling explores the dark, creepy mysteries of Raccoon City.
Dan Crowd is a video producer at IGN's Australian office. You can follow him on Twitter @ItsDanCrowd.
Although Resident Evil 2-the sequel to Capcom's overrated Resident Evil horror adventure - has been out for some time on Sony's ubiquitous PlayStation, there's still a lot of people out there who have yet to play it. For those of a squeamish disposition, it may have been something of a conscious decision - after all, Resident Evil 2 is one of the goriest games of all time. And one of the best, for that matter.

What made Resident Evil 2 so appealing almost a year ago still applies to the PC version we're presented with today: it's a bloody scary game.The far-fetched plot, about a guy called Leon who bumps into a girl called Claire, who together discover a town full of zombies, is kept down to earth by clever scripting and gritty storytelling.
It starts off horribly enough, with your character surrounded by zombies - and all you've got to defend yourself with is a gun and a few bullets. After that.. well, the story twists and turns, the monsters get meaner and more gruesome, and.the amazing movie-like atmosphere digs in deeper and deeper.
You can play Resident Evil 2 as either Leon (the cop) or Claire (the sister of the lead guy from the first game), and then, when you've completed it, you can play through it again as the other character. Amazingly, the second time around the game introduces new situations, monsters and story elements to the plot, as if rewarding you for your previous hard work. Finish the game again and there are more secret characters (apparently, one more than the PlayStation version), and harder challenges to discover.And finish it twice you will strive to do, mark my words.
In terms of graphics, it has to be said that we've experienced better recently. Resident Evil 2 is not 'full' 3D, with a roving camera and all that. But that shouldn't put you off, as the overall presentation is stunning, particularly the fire effects and the brilliantly rendered (but sometimes blocky) backdrops. Special note must also be made of the eerie music and subtle sound effects, both of which add much to the mis en scene.
But at the end of the day there are two things you should ask yourself before rushing out to buy this wickedly essential game. Firstly: have you played the PlayStation version through already? Secondly: are you a poof when it comes to a bit of blood and guts? If the answer to either is 'yes', you should give Resident Evil2a miss. If, on the other hand, you appreciate quality adventure games, like a good scare and don't mind spilling a bit of claret along the way, this is the game for you. Buy it and scream.
Arrange Mode
A new difficulty level has been introduced to make things easier for first-time players. Selecting 'Arrange Mode' starts you off with a machine-gun and infinite bullets, and gives you all the major weapons when you get to the first storage chest It's a very risky option to include from the off, and some players may be tempted to blast their way lazily through the game without playing it properly. Be advised: you're better off leaving this well alone until after you've played through on Normal - the tense atmosphere created by this game is partly down to the scarcity of weapons and ammo.